Taizy Agro Machine / 농부를 위한, 농업을 위한, 더 나은 삶을 위한

기니 고객이 세 번째로 옥수수 분쇄기를 구입했습니다.

Congratulations to Taizy! A Guinean customer, living in the United States, placed his third order with us for a corn mill grinder to be shipped to Guinea for use on his chicken farm. This is the third time in a row that he has purchased agricultural machinery from us.

Our agricultural machinery is known for its high-quality materials and reliable design. After a long period of use, he has been praising the performance and durability of the machines. He said that our equipment continues to perform well under intense working conditions. That’s why he continues to buy machines from us.

Why buy the corn mill grinder for Guinea?

우리의 옥수수 분쇄기 기계 has excellent performance in maize, grain and feed processing, grinding a wide range of materials to obtain a fine powder. This Guinean customer needs chicken feed for his chicken farm, and our corn mill grinder can help him to make chicken feed and raise chicks better.

The use of 옥수수 밀링 머신 has not only improved production efficiency, but also helped him to reduce costs. In the past, he had to rely on external suppliers to purchase feed, but now by processing it, he can save a lot of transportation costs and purchasing costs.

Machine list for Guinea

Corn grinding machine pi
corn grinding machine PI