ታይዚ አግሮ ማሽን / ለገበሬዎች ፣ ለእርሻ ፣ ለተሻለ ሕይወት

ወደ ኡዝቤኪስታን የተላኩ 8 የሴላጅ ባላሪዎች ስብስቦች

A strong agricultural equipment company headquartered in Germany has a branch in Uzbekistan. In order to meet the local demand for efficient silage production, the company plans to purchase a batch of silage balers and wrappers with excellent performance and high cost performance, and requires the supplier to have rich experience and customized service.

የእኛ መፍትሔ

We supplied 8 sets of high-quality silage bale wrapping machines to the German company. These machines not only have stable performance and efficient baling capacity, but also have reasonable prices and excellent cost performance.

In addition, we are committed to customizing silage balers according to the customer’s specific needs to ensure that they are perfectly suited to the actual operating environment of the farms in Uzbekistan.

The final machine order is shown below:

Electric silage balerElectric Silage Baler
Power: 5.5+1.1kw , 3 phase
የባሌ መጠን፡Φ550*520ሚሜ
የባሊንግ ፍጥነት፡- 60-65 ቁራጭ/ሰ፣ 5-6ት/ሰ
የማሽን ክብደት: 850 ኪ
የባሌ ክብደት: 65-100kg / ባሌ
የባሌ ጥግግት፡450-500kg/m³
የገመድ ፍጆታ: 2.5kg/t
5 ስብስቦች
Diesel silage balerDiesel Silage Baler
የናፍጣ ሞተር: 15 hp
የባሌ መጠን፡Φ550*520ሚሜ
የባሊንግ ፍጥነት፡- 60-65 ቁራጭ/ሰ፣ 5-6ት/ሰ
የማሽን መጠን: 2135 * 1350 * 1300 ሚሜ
የማሽን ክብደት: 850 ኪ
የባሌ ክብደት: 65-100kg / ባሌ
የባሌ ጥግግት፡450-500kg/m³
የገመድ ፍጆታ:2.5kg/t
3 ስብስቦች
ፊልም  ፊልም  
ክብደት: 10.4 ኪ
ርዝመት: 1800ሜ
ውፍረት: 25µm
ማሸግ: 1 ጥቅል / ካርቶን
የማሸጊያ መጠን: 27 * 27 * 27 ሴሜ
150 rolls
የፕላስቲክ መረብየፕላስቲክ መረብ
ዲያሜትር: 22 ሴሜ
የጥቅልል ርዝመት: 50 ሴ.ሜ 
ክብደት: 11.4 ኪ
ጠቅላላ ርዝመት: 2000ሜ
የማሸጊያ መጠን: 50 * 22 * ​​22 ሴሜ
60 rolls
ክብደት: 5 ኪ.ግ
ርዝመት: 2500 ሜ
ማሸግ: 6pcs/PP ቦርሳ
Bag Packing size:62*45*27cm
140 rolls
detailed list ready for Uzbekistan

ማስታወሻዎች: Both of these fully automatic baling and wrapping machines are made with the latest model of equipment with a PLC control panel and are equipped with both an air compressor and a trolley.

Why choose our silage balers?

  • Excellent product quality: Our baling and wrapping machines are known for their high-quality components and fine craftsmanship, which ensure the durability and reliability of the products, and can work stably for a long period in the complex climatic conditions of Uzbekistan.
  • Experienced, professional customization: We have an experienced team that provides full professional support from design, production to after-sales, including customisation of machines according to customers’ needs, which fully reflects our professional level in the industry.
  • Satisfied after-sales service: As this company has the ability of independent customs clearance, which makes them attach more importance to the quality of our products and later technical support, we have a special after-sales service team to solve all kinds of problems of customers to ensure the smooth operation of the machine.

Contact us for silage balers resell!

Do you want to make your silage business profitable? Contact us now, our silage balers and wrappers are high quality, customizable and have an after-sales service. Our sales team will certainly give you a satisfactory price.