ታይዚ አግሮ ማሽን / ለገበሬዎች ፣ ለእርሻ ፣ ለተሻለ ሕይወት

የሲላጅ ባለር እና መጠቅለያ ማሽን እና ገለባ መቁረጫ ለዮርዳኖስ ተሽጧል

This silage baler and wrapper machine is one of the most popular machines for livestock farms overseas. It is very popular in Kenya, Panama, Burundi, Bangladesh, Malaysia, and other countries. Recently, we exported a fully automatic 50-type silage baling ማሽን and one የገለባ መቁረጫ ማሽን to Jordan.

A basic introduction to the Jordanian customer

This Jordanian customer is an experienced feed production stocker. He now has a large amount of maize straw on hand and wants to make silage as soon as possible, so he is looking for a relevant baling and wrapping machine. He saw that we had such a machine on the internet and contacted us!

The detailed process of the silage baler and wrapper machine bought by the Jordanian customer

Our sales manager Lena contacted him soon after receiving his inquiry. Based on the customer’s inquiry, Lena first recommended our Model-50 baling and wrapping machine.

የሲላጅ ባለር እና መጠቅለያ ማሽን
silage baler እና መጠቅለያ ማሽን

After further understanding, Lena learned that the customer was very familiar with silage and had some knowledge of the machine. According to this, Lena then introduced him to the advantages of the silage baler and wrapper machine, such as fast baling speed, fully automatic operation, high efficiency, easy and quick control of the control cabinet, etc. After learning about these, this Jordanian customer was quite satisfied.

In addition to this, the customer also asked about payment and shipping. Lena also explained these in detail. In general, a deposit is paid, we produce the machine, and when the silage baler and wrapper machine is finished, the final payment is made and the machine is delivered by sea.

Why did the customer buy the የገለባ መቁረጫ ማሽን together?

In the course of the conversation, Lena discovered that the Jordanian customer’s corn stalks were unshredded. But the feed has to be pieces before it can be baled and wrapped using the silage baler and wrapper machine. So, depending on the situation, Lena suggested to him a grass cutting machine that can cut the maize stalks. In this way, the whole process is more mechanized and more efficient.

Parameters of machines purchased by the Jordanian customer

ንጥልዝርዝር መግለጫብዛት
የሲላጅ ባለር እና መጠቅለያ ማሽንሞዴል: TZ-55-52
Power: 5.5+1.1kw ,  220V,50HZ,3 phase
የባሌ መጠን፡ Φ550*520ሚሜ
የባሊንግ ፍጥነት፡- 50-60 pcs/ሰ፣ 5-6t/ሰ
Size: 2100*1750*1550mm
የማሽን ክብደት: 750 ኪ.ግ
የባሌ ክብደት: 65-100kg / ባሌ
የባሌ ጥግግት፡ 450-500kg/m³
1 ስብስብ
የፕላስቲክ መረብዲያሜትር: 22 ሴ.ሜ
የጥቅልል ርዝመት: 50 ሴ.ሜ
ክብደት: 11.4 ኪ.ግ
ጠቅላላ ርዝመት: 2000ሜ
የማሸጊያ መጠን: 50 * 22 * ​​22 ሴሜ
1 ጥቅል ወደ 270 የሚያህሉ የሲላጅ ባሌሎች ማሰር ይችላል
3 pcs
መጠቅለያ ፊልምክብደት: 10 ኪ
ርዝመት: 1800ሜ
ማሸግ: 1 ጥቅል / ካርቶን
Packing size: 27*27*27cm

if wrapped in 3 layers,1 roll of film can wrap about 55 silage bales, the silage can store for about 8 months.
if wrapped 4 layers,1 roll of film can wrap about 40 silage bales, the silage can store for about 10 months
4 pcs
የገለባ መቁረጫPower: 11kw ,  220V,50HZ,3 phase
Size: 2300*650*990mm
Machine weight: 320kg
Capacity: 5-6tons/h
Qty of blades: 32pcs of blades
1 ፒሲ