ታይዚ አግሮ ማሽን / ለገበሬዎች ፣ ለእርሻ ፣ ለተሻለ ሕይወት

የአትክልት ትራንስፕላን ማሽን ወደ ፊሊፒንስ ይላኩ።

In August 2023, our customer from the Philippines bought a vegetable transplanter machine for transplanting onion seedlings. By using our የችግኝ ተከላ, you can easily and successfully increase the efficiency of transplanting seedlings such as onions, while reducing labour costs. Our transplanters play an important role in agriculture. Let’s see the client case from the Philippines.

Vegetable transplanter machine
የአትክልት ትራንስፕላንት ማሽን

Client’s requirements

This customer is an agricultural producer specialising in onion cultivation. During the onion transplanting season, he needed a lot of labour to manually transplant the onion seedlings. However, this traditional transplanting method is time-consuming and labour-intensive. He urgently needed a solution that would increase productivity, reduce labour costs and increase onion production.

Our solution to this client

We introduced the customer to our tracked vegetable transplanter machine, a machine that can do a large number of transplants in a short period of time. This solution not only significantly increased productivity, but also reduced labour requirements.

የክራውለር አይነት ትራንስፕላንት
ክራውለር አይነት ትራንስፕላንት

Features of the tracked transplanter ማሽን include precise distance and depth control, ensuring that each onion seedling is transplanted in the optimum position. In addition, the machine has the ability to adapt to different terrains, so it can perform well in the diverse farmlands of the Philippines.

Vegetable transplanter machine order list for the Philippines

Crawler self-propelled transplanterCrawler Self-propelled Transplanter
ኃይል: 7.5KW
Working width: about 140cm
Row distance:10cm
Plant distance:10cm
Planting depth:4-15cm
2 ስብስቦች
machine list for the Philippines

If you’re interested in this transplanter, warmly welcome to contact us for more machine details!