ታይዚ አግሮ ማሽን / ለገበሬዎች ፣ ለእርሻ ፣ ለተሻለ ሕይወት

ሙሉ በሙሉ አውቶማቲክ የሲላጅ ባለር ማሽን ለዮርዳኖስ ይሸጣል

Good news to Taizy! In May 2023, a customer from Jordan, who runs his own store and transportation business, recently successfully purchased a fully automatic silage baler machine, bringing new opportunities for his business expansion.

Why choose a ሙሉ በሙሉ አውቶማቲክ ባሊንግ እና መጠቅለያ ማሽን for Jordan?

This Jordanian customer chose the fully automatic silage baler machine after a thorough understanding because of its ability to improve efficiency and reduce labor costs. Our sales manager Winnie introduced the features and performance of the silage baler ማሽን to the customer in detail, and provided successful cases, delivery diagrams and customer feedback videos as reference, so that the customer could have a clearer understanding of the effectiveness of the machine.

On-site visit, the customer chooses to trust us as silage baler supplier

This Jordanian customer personally visited the manufacturer in China to confirm his purchase decision. By visiting our fully automatic silage baler machine plant, the customer gained a more intuitive understanding of the quality of the machine and the production process, further enhancing his trust and willingness to cooperate with us.

We offer our Jordanian customer the best ex-factory prices with the aim of establishing a long-term partnership. We expect our customer to get good results and smoothly expand his local sales market after using the automatic baling and wrapping machine. And the payment was made through an agent in RMB.

Reference to the fully automatic silage baler machine PI for Jordan

Silage balerSilage ባለር
Power: 11+0.55+0.75+0.37+3kw
የባሌ መጠን፡Φ700*700ሚሜ
Baling speed: 50-65 piece/h,
የማሽን ክብደት: 1100 ኪ
Film Wrapping:
With a trolley and air compressor
1 ስብስብ
Automatic feederAutomatic Feeder
1 ፒሲ
ትሮሊExtra trolley1 ፒሲ
ፊልም  ፊልም  
ርዝመት: 1800ሜ
ማሸግ: 1 ጥቅል / ካርቶን
የማሸጊያ መጠን፡ 26*26*36ሴሜ
ሁለት ጥቅል ፊልም 45pcs ባሎችን ማሸግ ይችላል።
37 pcs
የፕላስቲክ መረብየፕላስቲክ መረብ
ዲያሜትር: 22 ሴሜ
የጥቅልል ርዝመት: 70 ሴ.ሜ
ጠቅላላ ርዝመት: 1500ሜ
የማሸጊያ መጠን: 71 * 22 * ​​22 ሴሜ
አንድ ጥቅል መረብ 80pcs ባሎችን ማሸግ ይችላል።
21 pcs
Automatic winding machineAutomatic Winding Machine
Bear the weight of the turntable: 200-2000kg
Height of turntable:780mm
Speed of turntable:0-12r/min
Diameter of turntable:1500mm
Packing height: ≤2000mm
1 ፒሲ
machine list for Jordan


  1. The automatic feeder and the 70-type baling and wrapping machine are matched.
  2. The trolley price is included in the fully automatic silage baler machine price.
  3. Among 37 pcs of film, one film is free, and the other 36 pcs of film should be paid.
  4. Among 21 pcs of the plastic net, one plastic net is free, and the other 20 pcs of the plastic net should be paid.