FAQs of Taizy forage harvester for sale
Taizy forage harvester for sale has the features of high machine quality, great machine performance, and famous brands in the international market. According to the doubts put forward by our customers overseas, we summarize the following frequently asked questions for your reference.
1. What are the functions of the Taizy silage harvester machine?
Silage forage crushing and recycling.

2. If I have a limited budget, can I only buy the crushing part?
Definitely, you can. You can buy the forage harvester for sale without a collection box. And you can arrange one tractor with the loading truck following the crushing machine for convenient silage collection.
3. What’s the capacity of a silage harvester?
3cbm, 1000kg.
4. How many meters of the collection box away from the ground?
5. Is it able to handle dry stalks?
Yes, but green straw works best, fresh, and good for animals to eat and store.
6. How much horsepower is needed for the forage harvesting machine?
80 horsepower tractor, different harvesting widths with different tractor horsepower sizes, to confirm the customer tractor horsepower size.

7. What is the height of the stubble left after crushing?
8. What is the fineness of straw crushing?
9. Can the forage harvester for sale harvest corn, sorghum, and other crops?
These can not be harvested, corn sorghum will be crushed directly by the machine.
10. There are many rocks in the field, will it affect the work of the machine? Can the machine work on wet ground?
Let the customer send the actual field picture, if there are small stones, it will not affect the machine.
And the forage harvester machine cannot work on wet ground, because it will damage the blades and, in severe cases, will block the hoist.
11. How does the machine work?
The rollers in front of the machine first lower the crop, then the Y-blade harvests the crop, and the hammer inside the machine crushes the crop.

12. How often do I have to replace the blades? How many extra blades are sent with the machine? The material and thickness of the blade?
The machine can be replaced after 2 years of use. Y blade 10 free, and the blade is made of 65 # manganese steel, thickness 10mm.
13. How to make out the material finer?
Adding secondary crushing can make the material finer.
14. Secondary grinding and wheel can be adjusted?
Yes, you can. If you do not need it, you can remove it. It does not affect the normal work of the machine.
15. What’s the warranty period of the forage harvester for sale?
2 years.